{{- if not .HTMLOutput }} # {{ if and (not .Spec.IsRoot) (not (eq .Command.Name "help")) }}@chinampa@ {{ end }}{{ .Spec.FullName }}{{if eq .Command.Name "help"}} help{{end}} {{- else }} --- description: {{ .Command.Short }} --- {{- end }} {{ .Command.Short }} ## Usage `{{ replace .Command.UseLine " [flags]" "" }}{{if .Command.HasAvailableSubCommands}} SUBCOMMAND{{end}}` {{ if .Command.HasAvailableSubCommands -}} ## Subcommands {{ $hh := .HTMLOutput -}} {{ range .Command.Commands -}} {{- if (or .IsAvailableCommand (eq .Name "help")) -}} - {{ if $hh -}} [﹅{{ .Name }}﹅]({{.Name}}) {{- else -}} ﹅{{ .Name }}﹅ {{- end }} - {{.Short}} {{ end }} {{- end -}} {{- end -}} {{- if .Spec.Arguments -}} ## Arguments {{ range .Spec.Arguments -}} - ﹅{{ .Name | toUpper }}{{ if .Variadic}}...{{ end }}﹅{{ if .Required }} _required_{{ end }} - {{ .Description }} {{ end -}} {{- end -}} {{ if and .Spec.IsRoot (not (eq .Command.Name "help")) }} ## Description {{ .Spec.Description }} {{ end -}} {{- if .Spec.HasAdditionalHelp }} {{ .Spec.AdditionalHelp .HTMLOutput }} {{ end -}} {{- if .Command.HasAvailableLocalFlags}} ## Options {{ range $name, $opt := .Spec.Options -}} - ﹅--{{ $name }}﹅ (_{{$opt.Type}}_): {{ trimSuffix $opt.Description "."}}.{{ if $opt.Default }} Default: _{{ $opt.Default }}_.{{ end }} {{ end -}} {{- end -}} {{- if not .Spec.IsRoot }} ## Description {{ if not (eq .Command.Long "") }}{{ .Command.Long }}{{ else }}{{ .Spec.Description }}{{end}} {{ end }} {{- if .Command.HasAvailableInheritedFlags }} ## Global Options {{ range $name, $opt := .GlobalOptions -}} - ﹅--{{ $name }}﹅ (_{{$opt.Type}}_): {{$opt.Description}}.{{ if $opt.Default }} Default: _{{ $opt.Default }}_.{{ end }} {{ end -}} {{end}}