// Copyright © 2022 Roberto Hidalgo // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package command import ( "fmt" "strings" "git.rob.mx/nidito/chinampa/pkg/errors" "github.com/spf13/cobra" ) func contains(haystack []string, needle string) bool { for _, validValue := range haystack { if needle == validValue { return true } } return false } // Arguments is an ordered list of Argument. type Arguments []*Argument func (args *Arguments) AllKnown() map[string]any { col := map[string]any{} for _, arg := range *args { col[arg.Name] = arg.ToValue() } return col } func (args *Arguments) AllKnownStr() map[string]string { col := map[string]string{} for _, arg := range *args { col[arg.Name] = arg.ToString() } return col } func anySliceToStringSlice(src any) []string { res := []string{} switch d := src.(type) { case []string: res = d case []any: for _, valI := range d { res = append(res, valI.(string)) } } return res } func (args *Arguments) Parse(supplied []string) { for idx, arg := range *args { argumentProvided := idx < len(supplied) if !argumentProvided { if arg.Default != nil { if arg.Variadic { defaultSlice := anySliceToStringSlice(arg.Default) arg.provided = &defaultSlice } else { defaultString := arg.Default.(string) if defaultString != "" { arg.provided = &[]string{defaultString} } } } continue } if arg.Variadic { values := append([]string{}, supplied[idx:]...) arg.SetValue(values) } else { arg.SetValue([]string{supplied[idx]}) } } } func (args *Arguments) AreValid() error { for _, arg := range *args { if err := arg.Validate(); err != nil { return err } } return nil } // CompletionFunction is called by cobra when asked to complete arguments. func (args *Arguments) CompletionFunction(cc *cobra.Command, provided []string, toComplete string) ([]string, cobra.ShellCompDirective) { expectedArgLen := len(*args) values := []string{} directive := cobra.ShellCompDirectiveError if expectedArgLen > 0 { argsCompleted := len(provided) lastArg := (*args)[len(*args)-1] hasVariadicArg := expectedArgLen > 0 && lastArg.Variadic lastArg.Command.Options.Parse(cc.Flags()) args.Parse(provided) directive = cobra.ShellCompDirectiveDefault if argsCompleted < expectedArgLen || hasVariadicArg { var arg *Argument if hasVariadicArg && argsCompleted >= expectedArgLen { // completing a variadic argument arg = lastArg } else { // completing regular argument (maybe variadic!) arg = (*args)[argsCompleted] } if arg.Values != nil { var err error arg.Values.command = lastArg.Command arg.Command = lastArg.Command values, directive, err = arg.Resolve(toComplete) if err != nil { return []string{err.Error()}, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveDefault } } else { directive = cobra.ShellCompDirectiveError } values = cobra.AppendActiveHelp(values, arg.Description) } if toComplete != "" && directive != cobra.ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt && directive != cobra.ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs { filtered := []string{} for _, value := range values { if strings.HasPrefix(value, toComplete) { filtered = append(filtered, value) } } values = filtered } } return values, directive } // Argument represents a single command-line argument. type Argument struct { // Name is how this variable will be exposed to the underlying command. Name string `json:"name" yaml:"name" validate:"required,excludesall=!$\\/%^@#?:'\""` // Description is what this argument is for. Description string `json:"description" yaml:"description" validate:"required"` // Default is the default value for this argument if none is provided. Default any `json:"default,omitempty" yaml:"default,omitempty" validate:"excluded_with=Required"` // Variadic makes an argument a list of all values from this one on. Variadic bool `json:"variadic" yaml:"variadic"` // Required raises an error if an argument is not provided. Required bool `json:"required" yaml:"required" validate:"excluded_with=Default"` // Values describes autocompletion and validation for an argument Values *ValueSource `json:"values,omitempty" yaml:"values" validate:"omitempty"` Command *Command `json:"-" yaml:"-" validate:"-"` provided *[]string } func (arg *Argument) EnvName() string { return strings.ToUpper(strings.ReplaceAll(arg.Name, "-", "_")) } func (arg *Argument) SetValue(value []string) { arg.provided = &value } func (arg *Argument) IsKnown() bool { return arg.provided != nil && len(*arg.provided) > 0 } func (arg *Argument) ToString() string { val := arg.ToValue() if arg.Variadic { val := val.([]string) return strings.Join(val, " ") } return val.(string) } func (arg *Argument) ToValue() any { var value any if arg.IsKnown() { if arg.Variadic { value = *arg.provided } else { vals := *arg.provided value = vals[0] } } else { if arg.Default != nil { if arg.Variadic { defaultSlice := anySliceToStringSlice(arg.Default) // for _, valI := range arg.Default.([]any) { // valStr := valI.(string) // defaultSlice = append(defaultSlice, valStr) // } value = defaultSlice } else { value = arg.Default.(string) } } else { if arg.Variadic { value = []string{} } else { value = "" } } } return value } func (arg *Argument) Validate() error { if !arg.IsKnown() { if arg.Required { return errors.BadArguments{Msg: fmt.Sprintf("Missing argument for %s", strings.ToUpper(arg.Name))} } return nil } if !arg.Validates() { return nil } validValues, _, err := arg.Resolve(strings.Join(*arg.provided, " ")) if err != nil { return err } if arg.Variadic { for _, current := range *arg.provided { if !contains(validValues, current) { return errors.BadArguments{Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a valid value for argument <%s>. Valid options are: %s", current, arg.Name, strings.Join(validValues, ", "))} } } } else { current := arg.ToValue().(string) if !contains(validValues, current) { return errors.BadArguments{Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a valid value for argument <%s>. Valid options are: %s", current, arg.Name, strings.Join(validValues, ", "))} } } return nil } // Validates tells if the user-supplied value needs validation. func (arg *Argument) Validates() bool { return arg.Values != nil && arg.Values.Validates() } // ToDesc prints out the description of an argument for help and docs. func (arg *Argument) ToDesc() string { spec := arg.EnvName() if arg.Variadic { spec = fmt.Sprintf("%s...", spec) } if !arg.Required { spec = fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", spec) } return spec } // Resolve returns autocomplete values for an argument. func (arg *Argument) Resolve(current string) (values []string, flag cobra.ShellCompDirective, err error) { if arg.Values != nil { values, flag, err = arg.Values.Resolve(current) if err != nil { flag = cobra.ShellCompDirectiveError return } } return }