
238 lines
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// Copyright © 2022 Roberto Hidalgo <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package command
import (
// Options is a map of name to Option.
type Options map[string]*Option
// AllKnown returns a map of option names to their resolved values.
func (opts *Options) AllKnown() map[string]any {
col := map[string]any{}
for name, opt := range *opts {
col[name] = opt.ToValue()
return col
// AllKnownStr returns a map of option names to their stringified values.
func (opts *Options) AllKnownStr() map[string]string {
col := map[string]string{}
for name, opt := range *opts {
col[name] = opt.ToString()
return col
// Parse populates values with those supplied in the provided pflag.Flagset.
func (opts *Options) Parse(supplied *pflag.FlagSet) {
// log.Debugf("Parsing supplied flags, %v", supplied)
for name, opt := range *opts {
switch opt.Type {
case ValueTypeBoolean:
if val, err := supplied.GetBool(name); err == nil {
opt.provided = val
case ValueTypeInt:
if val, err := supplied.GetInt(name); err == nil {
opt.provided = val
opt.Type = ValueTypeString
if opt.Repeated {
val, err := supplied.GetStringArray(name)
if err == nil {
opt.provided = val
logger.Errorf("Invalid option configuration: %s", err)
} else {
if val, err := supplied.GetString(name); err == nil {
opt.provided = val
// AreValid tells if these options are all valid.
func (opts *Options) AreValid() error {
for name, opt := range *opts {
if err := opt.Validate(name); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Option represents a command line flag.
type Option struct {
// Type represents the type of value expected to be provided for this option.
Type ValueType `json:"type" yaml:"type" validate:"omitempty,oneof=string bool int"`
// Description is a required field that show up during completions and help.
Description string `json:"description" yaml:"description" validate:"required"`
// Default value for this option, if none provided.
Default any `json:"default,omitempty" yaml:"default,omitempty"`
// ShortName When set, enables representing this Option as a short flag (-x).
ShortName string `json:"short-name,omitempty" yaml:"short-name,omitempty"` // nolint:tagliatelle
// Values denote the source for completion/validation values of this option.
Values *ValueSource `json:"values,omitempty" yaml:"values,omitempty" validate:"omitempty"`
// Repeated options may be specified more than once.
Repeated bool `json:"repeated" yaml:"repeated" validate:"omitempty"`
// Command references the Command this Option is defined for.
Command *Command `json:"-" yaml:"-" validate:"-"`
provided any
// IsKnown tells if the option was provided by the user.
func (opt *Option) IsKnown() bool {
return opt.provided != nil
// Returns the resolved value for an option.
func (opt *Option) ToValue() any {
if opt.IsKnown() {
return opt.provided
return opt.Default
// Returns a string representation of this Option's resolved value.
func (opt *Option) ToString() string {
value := opt.ToValue()
stringValue := ""
switch opt.Type {
case ValueTypeBoolean:
if value == nil {
stringValue = ""
} else {
stringValue = strconv.FormatBool(value.(bool))
case ValueTypeInt:
if value == nil {
stringValue = ""
} else {
stringValue = fmt.Sprintf("%d", value)
if value != nil {
stringValue = value.(string)
return stringValue
// Repeats tells if an option should be presented as a list.
func (opt *Option) Repeats() bool {
return opt.Repeated
func (opt *Option) internalValidate(name, current string) error {
if current == "" {
return nil
validValues, _, err := opt.Resolve(current)
if err != nil {
return err
if !contains(validValues, current) {
return errors.BadArguments{Msg: fmt.Sprintf("%s is not a valid value for option <%s>. Valid options are: %s", current, name, strings.Join(validValues, ", "))}
return nil
// Validate validates the provided value if a value source.
func (opt *Option) Validate(name string) error {
if !opt.Validates() {
return nil
if opt.Repeated {
values := opt.ToValue().([]string)
for _, current := range values {
if err := opt.internalValidate(name, current); err != nil {
return err
} else {
if err := opt.internalValidate(name, opt.ToString()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// Validates tells if the user-supplied value needs validation.
func (opt *Option) Validates() bool {
return opt.Values != nil && opt.Values.Validates()
// providesAutocomplete tells if this option provides autocomplete values.
func (opt *Option) providesAutocomplete() bool {
return opt.Values != nil
// Resolve returns autocomplete values for an option.
func (opt *Option) Resolve(currentValue string) (values []string, flag cobra.ShellCompDirective, err error) {
if opt.Values != nil {
if opt.Values.command == nil {
opt.Values.command = opt.Command
return opt.Values.Resolve(currentValue)
// CompletionFunction is called by cobra when asked to complete an option.
func (opt *Option) CompletionFunction(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string, toComplete string) (values []string, flag cobra.ShellCompDirective) {
if !opt.providesAutocomplete() {
logger.Tracef("Option does not provide autocomplete %+v", opt)
flag = cobra.ShellCompDirectiveNoFileComp
if err := opt.Command.Arguments.Parse(args); err != nil {
logger.Errorf("Could not parse command arguments %s", err)
return []string{}, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveDefault
var err error
values, flag, err = opt.Resolve(toComplete)
if err != nil {
return values, cobra.ShellCompDirectiveError
if toComplete != "" && flag != cobra.ShellCompDirectiveFilterFileExt && flag != cobra.ShellCompDirectiveFilterDirs {
filtered := []string{}
for _, value := range values {
if strings.HasPrefix(value, toComplete) {
filtered = append(filtered, value)
values = filtered
return cobra.AppendActiveHelp(values, opt.Description), flag