// Copyright © 2022 Roberto Hidalgo // SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 package cmd_test import ( "bytes" "encoding/json" "os" "path" "runtime" "strings" "testing" . "git.rob.mx/nidito/joao/cmd" opclient "git.rob.mx/nidito/joao/internal/op-client" "git.rob.mx/nidito/joao/internal/op-client/mock" "github.com/1Password/connect-sdk-go/connect" "github.com/1Password/connect-sdk-go/onepassword" "github.com/sirupsen/logrus" "github.com/spf13/cobra" ) var testConfig = &onepassword.Item{ Title: "some:test", Vault: onepassword.ItemVault{ID: "example"}, Category: "PASSWORD", Sections: []*onepassword.ItemSection{ {ID: "~annotations", Label: "~annotations"}, {ID: "nested", Label: "nested"}, {ID: "list", Label: "list"}, }, Fields: []*onepassword.ItemField{ { ID: "password", Type: "CONCEALED", Purpose: "PASSWORD", Label: "password", Value: "8b23de7705b79b73d9f75b120651bc162859e45a732b764362feaefc882eab5d", }, { ID: "notesPlain", Type: "STRING", Purpose: "NOTES", Label: "notesPlain", Value: "flushed by joao", }, { ID: "~annotations.int", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "~annotations", Label: "~annotations"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "int", Value: "int", }, { ID: "int", Type: "STRING", Label: "int", Value: "1", }, { ID: "string", Type: "STRING", Label: "string", Value: "pato", }, { ID: "~annotations.bool", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "~annotations", Label: "~annotations"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "bool", Value: "bool", }, { ID: "bool", Type: "STRING", Label: "bool", Value: "false", }, { ID: "~annotations.secret", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "~annotations", Label: "~annotations"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "secret", Value: "secret", }, { ID: "secret", Type: "CONCEALED", Label: "secret", Value: "very secret", }, { ID: "~annotations.nested.int", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "~annotations", Label: "~annotations"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "nested.int", Value: "int", }, { ID: "nested.int", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "nested", Label: "nested"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "int", Value: "1", }, { ID: "~annotations.nested.bool", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "~annotations", Label: "~annotations"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "nested.bool", Value: "bool", }, { ID: "nested.bool", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "nested", Label: "nested"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "bool", Value: "true", }, { ID: "~annotations.nested.list.0", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "~annotations", Label: "~annotations"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "nested.list.0", Value: "int", }, { ID: "nested.list.0", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "nested", Label: "nested"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "list.0", Value: "1", }, { ID: "~annotations.nested.list.1", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "~annotations", Label: "~annotations"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "nested.list.1", Value: "int", }, { ID: "nested.list.1", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "nested", Label: "nested"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "list.1", Value: "2", }, { ID: "~annotations.nested.list.2", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "~annotations", Label: "~annotations"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "nested.list.2", Value: "int", }, { ID: "nested.list.2", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "nested", Label: "nested"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "list.2", Value: "3", }, { ID: "~annotations.nested.secret", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "~annotations", Label: "~annotations"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "nested.secret", Value: "secret", }, { ID: "nested.secret", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "nested", Label: "nested"}, Type: "CONCEALED", Label: "secret", Value: "very secret", }, { ID: "~annotations.nested.second_secret", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "~annotations", Label: "~annotations"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "nested.second_secret", Value: "secret", }, { ID: "nested.second_secret", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "nested", Label: "nested"}, Type: "CONCEALED", Label: "second_secret", Value: "very secret", }, { ID: "nested.string", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "nested", Label: "nested"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "string", Value: "quem", }, { ID: "list.0", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "list", Label: "list"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "0", Value: "one", }, { ID: "list.1", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "list", Label: "list"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "1", Value: "two", }, { ID: "list.2", Section: &onepassword.ItemSection{ID: "list", Label: "list"}, Type: "STRING", Label: "2", Value: "three", }, }, } func mockOPConnect(t *testing.T) { t.Helper() opclient.ConnectClientFactory = func(host, token, userAgent string) connect.Client { return &mock.Client{} } client := opclient.NewConnect("", "") opclient.Use(client) mock.Add(testConfig) } func fromProjectRoot() string { _, filename, _, _ := runtime.Caller(0) dir := path.Join(path.Dir(filename), "../") if err := os.Chdir(dir); err != nil { panic(err) } wd, _ := os.Getwd() return wd } func TestGetBadYAML(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() Get.SetBindings() out := bytes.Buffer{} cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/bad-test.yaml", "."}) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Did not throw on bad path: %s", out.String()) } wantedPrefix := "could not parse file" wantedSuffix := "/bad-test.yaml as yaml: line 4: mapping values are not allowed in this context" if got := err.Error(); !(strings.HasPrefix(got, wantedPrefix) && strings.HasSuffix(got, wantedSuffix)) { t.Fatalf("Failed with bad error, wanted %s /some-path%s, got %s", wantedPrefix, wantedSuffix, got) } } func TestGetBadPath(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() Get.SetBindings() out := bytes.Buffer{} cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/does-not-exist.yaml", "."}) if err == nil { t.Fatalf("Did not throw on bad path: %s", out.String()) } wantedPrefix := "could not read file" wantedSuffix := "/does-not-exist.yaml" if got := err.Error(); !(strings.HasPrefix(got, wantedPrefix) && strings.HasSuffix(got, wantedSuffix)) { t.Fatalf("Failed with bad error, wanted %s /some-path%s, got %s", wantedPrefix, wantedSuffix, got) } } func TestGetNormal(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() out := bytes.Buffer{} Get.SetBindings() cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.Flags().Bool("redacted", false, "") cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/test.yaml", "."}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } expected, err := os.ReadFile(root + "/test.yaml") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not read file: %s", err) } if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != strings.TrimSpace(string(expected)) { t.Fatalf("did not get expected output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } } func TestGetRedacted(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() out := bytes.Buffer{} Get.SetBindings() cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.Flags().Bool("redacted", true, "") cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/test.yaml", ".", "--redacted"}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } expected, err := os.ReadFile(root + "/test.yaml") if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not read file: %s", err) } if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != strings.ReplaceAll(strings.TrimSpace(string(expected)), " very secret", "") { t.Fatalf("did not get expected output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } } func TestGetPath(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() out := bytes.Buffer{} Get.SetBindings() cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.Flags().Bool("redacted", false, "") cmd.Flags().StringP("output", "o", "yaml", "") cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/test.yaml", "nested.secret"}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } expected := "very secret" if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != strings.TrimSpace(expected) { t.Fatalf("did not get expected scalar output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } out = bytes.Buffer{} cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) err = Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/test.yaml", "nested", "--output", "diff-yaml"}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } expected = `bool: true int: 1 list: - 1 - 2 - 3 second_secret: very secret secret: very secret string: quem` if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != strings.TrimSpace(expected) { t.Fatalf("did not get expected output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } } func TestGetPathCollection(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() out := bytes.Buffer{} Get.SetBindings() cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.Flags().Bool("redacted", false, "") cmd.Flags().StringP("output", "o", "yaml", "") cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/test.yaml", "nested", "--output", "yaml"}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } expected := `bool: true int: 1 list: - 1 - 2 - 3 second_secret: very secret secret: very secret string: quem` if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != expected { t.Fatalf("did not get expected output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } } func TestGetDiff(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() out := bytes.Buffer{} Get.SetBindings() cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.Flags().Bool("redacted", false, "") cmd.Flags().StringP("output", "o", "diff-yaml", "") cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/test.yaml", ".", "--output", "diff-yaml"}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } expected := `_config: !!joao name: some:test vault: example bool: false int: 1 list: - one - two - three nested: bool: true int: 1 list: - 1 - 2 - 3 second_secret: !!secret very secret secret: !!secret very secret string: quem secret: !!secret very secret string: pato` if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != expected { t.Fatalf("did not get expected output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } } func TestGetJSON(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() out := bytes.Buffer{} Get.SetBindings() cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.Flags().Bool("redacted", false, "") cmd.Flags().StringP("output", "o", "json", "") cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/test.yaml", ".", "--output", "json"}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } expected := `{"bool":false,"int":1,"list":["one","two","three"],"nested":{"bool":true,"int":1,"list":[1,2,3],"second_secret":"very secret","secret":"very secret","string":"quem"},"secret":"very secret","string":"pato"}` if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != expected { t.Fatalf("did not get expected output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } } func TestGetDeepJSON(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() out := bytes.Buffer{} Get.SetBindings() cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.Flags().Bool("redacted", false, "") cmd.Flags().StringP("output", "o", "json", "") cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/deeply-nested.test.yaml", ".", "--output", "json"}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } expected := `{"root":{"of":{"deeply":{"nested_list":[""],"nested_map":"asdf"}}}}` if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != expected { t.Fatalf("did not get expected output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } } func TestGetJSONPathScalar(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() out := bytes.Buffer{} Get.SetBindings() cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.Flags().Bool("redacted", false, "") cmd.Flags().StringP("output", "o", "json", "") cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/test.yaml", "nested.secret", "--output", "json"}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } expected := `very secret` // nolint: ifshort if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != expected { t.Fatalf("did not get expected output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } } func TestGetJSONPathCollection(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() out := bytes.Buffer{} Get.SetBindings() cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.Flags().Bool("redacted", false, "") cmd.Flags().StringP("output", "o", "json", "") cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/test.yaml", "nested", "--output", "json"}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } expected := `{"bool":true,"int":1,"list":[1,2,3],"second_secret":"very secret","secret":"very secret","string":"quem"}` if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != expected { t.Fatalf("did not get expected output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } } func TestGetJSONRedacted(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() out := bytes.Buffer{} Get.SetBindings() cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.Flags().Bool("redacted", true, "") cmd.Flags().StringP("output", "o", "json", "") cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/test.yaml", ".", "--output", "json", "--redacted"}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } expected := `{"bool":false,"int":1,"list":["one","two","three"],"nested":{"bool":true,"int":1,"list":[1,2,3],"second_secret":"","secret":"","string":"quem"},"secret":"","string":"pato"}` if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != expected { t.Fatalf("did not get expected output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } } func TestGetJSONOP(t *testing.T) { root := fromProjectRoot() out := bytes.Buffer{} Get.SetBindings() cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.Flags().StringP("output", "o", "op", "") cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/test.yaml", ".", "--output", "op"}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } id := testConfig.ID testConfig.ID = "" defer func() { testConfig.ID = id }() expected, err := json.Marshal(testConfig) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) } if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != strings.TrimSpace(string(expected)) { t.Fatalf("did not get expected output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } } func TestGetRemote(t *testing.T) { mockOPConnect(t) root := fromProjectRoot() out := bytes.Buffer{} Get.SetBindings() cmd := &cobra.Command{} cmd.Flags().Bool("redacted", false, "") cmd.Flags().Bool("remote", true, "") cmd.Flags().StringP("output", "o", "diff-yaml", "") cmd.SetOut(&out) cmd.SetErr(&out) Get.Cobra = cmd logrus.SetLevel(logrus.DebugLevel) err := Get.Run(cmd, []string{root + "/test.yaml", ".", "--output", "diff-yaml", "--remote"}) if err != nil { t.Fatalf("could not get: %s", err) } expected := `bool: false int: 1 list: - one - two - three nested: bool: true int: 1 list: - 1 - 2 - 3 second_secret: !!secret very secret secret: !!secret very secret string: quem secret: !!secret very secret string: pato` if got := out.String(); strings.TrimSpace(got) != expected { t.Fatalf("did not get expected output:\nwanted: %s\ngot: %s", expected, got) } }