
134 lines
3.3 KiB

// Copyright © 2022 Roberto Hidalgo <>
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
package cmd
import (
var Get = &command.Command{
Path: []string{"get"},
Summary: "retrieves configuration",
Description: `
looks at the filesystem or remotely, using 1password (over the CLI if available, or 1password-connect, if configured).
` + "`--output`" + ` can be one of:
- **raw**:
- when querying for scalar values this will return a non-quoted version of the values
- when querying for trees or lists, this will output JSON
- **yaml**: formats the value at the given path as YAML
- **json**: formats the value at the given path as JSON
- **op**: formats the whole configuration as a 1Password item`,
Arguments: command.Arguments{
Name: "config",
Description: "The configuration to get from",
Required: true,
Values: &command.ValueSource{
Files: &[]string{"yaml", "yml"},
Name: "path",
Default: ".",
Description: "A dot-delimited path to extract from CONFIG",
Values: &command.ValueSource{
Func: config.AutocompleteKeysAndParents,
Options: command.Options{
"output": {
ShortName: "o",
Description: "the format to use for rendering output",
Default: "raw",
Values: &command.ValueSource{
Static: &[]string{"raw", "json", "yaml", "diff-yaml", "op"},
"redacted": {
Description: "Do not print secret values",
Type: "bool",
Default: false,
"remote": {
Description: "Get values from 1password",
Type: "bool",
Default: false,
Action: func(cmd *command.Command) error {
path := cmd.Arguments[0].ToValue().(string)
query := cmd.Arguments[1].ToValue().(string)
remote := cmd.Options["remote"].ToValue().(bool)
format := cmd.Options["output"].ToValue().(string)
redacted := cmd.Options["redacted"].ToValue().(bool)
cfg, err := config.Load(path, remote)
if err != nil {
return err
if query == "" || query == "." {
var bytes []byte
switch format {
case "yaml", "raw", "diff-yaml":
modes := []config.OutputMode{}
if redacted {
modes = append(modes, config.OutputModeRedacted)
if format == "diff-yaml" {
modes = append(modes, config.OutputModeNoComments, config.OutputModeSorted)
bytes, err = cfg.AsYAML(modes...)
case "json", "op":
bytes, err = cfg.AsJSON(redacted, format == "op")
return fmt.Errorf("unknown format %s", format)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = cmd.Cobra.OutOrStdout().Write(bytes)
return err
parts := strings.Split(query, ".")
entry := cfg.Tree
for _, part := range parts {
entry = entry.ChildNamed(part)
if entry == nil {
return fmt.Errorf("value not found at %s of %s", part, query)
var bytes []byte
if len(entry.Content) > 0 {
val := entry.AsMap()
if format == "yaml" {
enc := yaml.NewEncoder(cmd.Cobra.OutOrStdout())
return enc.Encode(val)
bytes, err = json.Marshal(val)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
bytes = []byte(entry.String())
_, err = cmd.Cobra.OutOrStdout().Write(bytes)
return err