
388 lines
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// Copyright © 2022 Roberto Hidalgo <>
// Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
// you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
// You may obtain a copy of the License at
// Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
// distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
// See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
// limitations under the License.
package config
import (
op ""
func isNumeric(s string) bool {
for _, v := range s {
if v < '0' || v > '9' {
return false
return true
type secretValue string
// Entry is a configuration entry.
// Basically a copy of a yaml.Node with extra methods
type Entry struct {
Value string
Kind yaml.Kind
Tag string
Path []string
Content []*Entry
Style yaml.Style
FootComment string
LineComment string
HeadComment string
Line int
Column int
// The ShortTag
Type string
func NewEntry(name string, kind yaml.Kind) *Entry {
return &Entry{
Content: []*Entry{},
Value: name,
Kind: kind,
func copyFromNode(e *Entry, n *yaml.Node) *Entry {
if e.Content == nil {
e.Content = []*Entry{}
e.Kind = n.Kind
e.Value = n.Value
e.Tag = n.Tag
e.Style = n.Style
e.HeadComment = n.HeadComment
e.LineComment = n.LineComment
e.FootComment = n.FootComment
e.Line = n.Line
e.Column = n.Column
e.Type = n.ShortTag()
return e
func (e *Entry) String() string {
return e.Value
func (e *Entry) ChildNamed(name string) *Entry {
for _, child := range e.Content {
if child.Name() == name {
return child
return nil
func (e *Entry) SetPath(parent []string, current string) {
e.Path = append(parent, current)
switch e.Kind {
case yaml.MappingNode, yaml.DocumentNode:
for idx := 0; idx < len(e.Content); idx += 2 {
key := e.Content[idx]
child := e.Content[idx+1]
child.SetPath(e.Path, key.Value)
case yaml.SequenceNode:
for idx, child := range e.Content {
child.Path = append(e.Path, fmt.Sprintf("%d", idx))
func (e *Entry) UnmarshalYAML(node *yaml.Node) error {
copyFromNode(e, node)
switch node.Kind {
case yaml.SequenceNode, yaml.ScalarNode:
for _, n := range node.Content {
sub := &Entry{}
copyFromNode(sub, n)
if err := n.Decode(&sub); err != nil {
return err
sub.SetPath(e.Path, n.Value)
e.Content = append(e.Content, sub)
case yaml.DocumentNode, yaml.MappingNode:
for idx := 0; idx < len(node.Content); idx += 2 {
keyNode := node.Content[idx]
valueNode := node.Content[idx+1]
key := NewEntry("", keyNode.Kind)
value := NewEntry(keyNode.Value, keyNode.Kind)
if err := keyNode.Decode(key); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("decode map key: %s", keyNode.Value)
return err
if err := valueNode.Decode(value); err != nil {
logrus.Errorf("decode map key: %s", keyNode.Value)
return err
if valueNode.Tag == YAMLTypeMetaConfig {
key.Type = YAMLTypeMetaConfig
value.SetPath(e.Path, key.Value)
e.Content = append(e.Content, key, value)
return fmt.Errorf("unknown yaml type: %v", node.Kind)
return nil
func (e *Entry) IsSecret() bool {
return e.Tag == YAMLTypeSecret
func (e *Entry) TypeStr() string {
if e.IsSecret() {
return "secret"
switch e.Type {
case "!!bool":
return "bool"
case "!!int":
return "int"
case "!!float":
return "float"
return ""
func (e *Entry) asNode() *yaml.Node {
return &yaml.Node{
Kind: e.Kind,
Style: e.Style,
Tag: e.Tag,
Value: e.Value,
HeadComment: e.HeadComment,
LineComment: e.LineComment,
FootComment: e.FootComment,
Line: e.Line,
Column: e.Column,
Content: []*yaml.Node{},
func (e *Entry) MarshalYAML() (*yaml.Node, error) {
n := e.asNode()
if n.Kind == yaml.ScalarNode {
if redactOutput && e.IsSecret() {
return &yaml.Node{
Kind: n.Kind,
Style: yaml.TaggedStyle & n.Style,
Tag: n.Tag,
Value: "",
HeadComment: n.HeadComment,
LineComment: n.LineComment,
FootComment: n.FootComment,
Line: n.Line,
Column: n.Column,
}, nil
return n, nil
for _, v := range e.Content {
node, err := v.MarshalYAML()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
n.Content = append(n.Content, node)
return n, nil
func (e *Entry) FromOP(fields []*op.ItemField) error {
annotations := map[string]string{}
data := map[string]string{}
for i := 0; i < len(fields); i++ {
field := fields[i]
label := field.Label
if field.Section != nil {
if field.Section.Label == "~annotations" {
annotations[label] = field.Value
} else {
label = field.Section.Label + "." + label
if label == "password" || label == "notesPlain" {
data[label] = field.Value
for label, valueStr := range data {
var value any
var err error
var style yaml.Style
var tag string
switch annotations[label] {
case "bool":
value, err = strconv.ParseBool(valueStr)
if err != nil {
return err
case "int":
value, err = strconv.ParseInt(valueStr, 10, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
case "float":
var err error
value, err = strconv.ParseFloat(valueStr, 64)
if err != nil {
return err
case "secret":
value = secretValue(value.(string))
style = yaml.TaggedStyle
tag = YAMLTypeSecret
// either no annotation or an unknown value
value = valueStr
path := strings.Split(label, ".")
container := e
for idx, key := range path {
if idx == len(path)-1 {
container.Content = append(container.Content, &Entry{
Path: path,
Kind: yaml.ScalarNode,
Value: valueStr,
Style: style,
Tag: tag,
subContainer := container.ChildNamed(key)
if subContainer != nil {
container = subContainer
} else {
kind := yaml.MappingNode
if isNumeric(key) {
kind = yaml.SequenceNode
child := NewEntry(key, kind)
child.Path = append(container.Path, key)
container.Content = append(container.Content, child)
container = child
return nil
func (e *Entry) ToOP() []*op.ItemField {
ret := []*op.ItemField{}
var section *op.ItemSection
if e.Kind == yaml.ScalarNode {
name := e.Path[len(e.Path)-1]
if len(e.Path) > 1 {
section = &op.ItemSection{ID: e.Path[0]}
name = strings.Join(e.Path[1:], ".")
fieldType := "STRING"
if e.IsSecret() {
fieldType = "CONCEALED"
} else {
if annotationType := e.TypeStr(); annotationType != "" {
ret = append(ret, &op.ItemField{
ID: "~annotations." + strings.Join(e.Path, "."),
Section: annotationsSection,
Label: name,
Type: "STRING",
Value: annotationType,
ret = append(ret, &op.ItemField{
ID: strings.Join(e.Path, "."),
Section: section,
Label: name,
Type: fieldType,
Value: e.Value,
return ret
if e.Kind == yaml.SequenceNode {
ret := []*op.ItemField{}
for _, child := range e.Content {
ret = append(ret, child.ToOP()...)
return ret
for i := 0; i < len(e.Content); i += 2 {
child := e.Content[i+1]
if child.Type == YAMLTypeMetaConfig {
ret = append(ret, child.ToOP()...)
return ret
func (e *Entry) Name() string {
if e.Path == nil || len(e.Path) == 0 {
return ""
return e.Path[len(e.Path)-1]
func (e *Entry) AsMap() any {
if len(e.Content) == 0 {
if redactOutput && e.IsSecret() {
return ""
return e.Value
if e.Kind == yaml.SequenceNode {
ret := []any{}
for _, child := range e.Content {
ret = append(ret, child.AsMap())
return ret
ret := map[string]any{}
for idx, child := range e.Content {
if idx%2 == 0 {
ret[child.Name()] = child.AsMap()
return ret