
366 lines
15 KiB

{{- $domain := "" -}}
##### GENERAL CONFIG ######
# String. Log level to use throughout the application. Must be lower-case.
# Options: ["trace","debug","info","warn","error","fatal"]
# Default: "info"
log-level: "info"
log-db-queries: false
# String. Format to use for the timestamp in log lines.
# If set to the empty string, the timestamp will be
# ommitted from the logs entirely.
# The format must be compatible with Go's time.Layout, as
# documented on
# Examples: [true, false]
# Default: "02/01/2006 15:04:05.000"
log-timestamp-format: "2006-01-02T15:04:05Z07:00"
application-name: "club patito"
# String. Hostname that this server will be reachable at. Defaults to localhost for local testing,
# but you should *definitely* change this when running for real, or your server won't work at all.
# DO NOT change this after your server has already run once, or you will break things!
# Examples: ["",""]
# Default: "localhost"
host: "{{ $domain }}"
# String. Domain to use when federating profiles. This is useful when you want your server to be at
# eg., "", but you want the domain on accounts to be "" because it looks better
# or is just shorter/easier to remember.
# To make this setting work properly, you need to redirect requests at ""
# to "" so that GtS can handle them properly.
# You should also redirect requests at "" in the same way.
# An empty string (ie., not set) means that the same value as 'host' will be used.
# DO NOT change this after your server has already run once, or you will break things!
# Examples: ["",""]
# Default: ""
account-domain: "{{ $domain }}"
# String. Protocol to use for the server. Only change to http for local testing!
# This should be the protocol part of the URI that your server is actually reachable on. So even if you're
# running GoToSocial behind a reverse proxy that handles SSL certificates for you, instead of using built-in
# letsencrypt, it should still be https.
# Options: ["http","https"]
# Default: "https"
protocol: "https"
# String. Address to bind the GoToSocial server to.
# This can be an IPv4 address or an IPv6 address (surrounded in square brackets), or a hostname.
# Default value will bind to all interfaces.
# You probably won't need to change this unless you're setting GoToSocial up in some fancy way or
# you have specific networking requirements.
# Examples: ["", "", "localhost", "[::]", "[2001:db8::fed1]"]
# Default: ""
bind-address: ""
# Int. Listen port for the GoToSocial webserver + API. If you're running behind a reverse proxy and/or in a docker,
# container, just set this to whatever you like (or leave the default), and make sure it's forwarded properly.
# If you are running with built-in letsencrypt enabled, and running GoToSocial directly on a host machine, you will
# probably want to set this to 443 (standard https port), unless you have other services already using that port.
# This *MUST NOT* be the same as the letsencrypt port specified below, unless letsencrypt is turned off.
# Examples: [443, 6666, 8080]
# Default: 8080
port: {{ env "NOMAD_PORT_gotosocial" }}
# Array of string. CIDRs or IP addresses of proxies that should be trusted when determining real client IP from behind a reverse proxy.
# If you're running inside a Docker container behind Traefik or Nginx, for example, add the subnet of your docker network,
# or the gateway of the docker network, and/or the address of the reverse proxy (if it's not running on the host network).
# Example: ["", ""]
# Default: ["", "::1"] (localhost ipv4 + ipv6)
- ""
- ""
- "::1"
##### DATABASE CONFIG ######
# Config pertaining to the Gotosocial database connection
# String. Database type.
# Options: ["postgres","sqlite"]
# Default: "postgres"
db-type: "sqlite"
# String. Database address or parameters.
# For Postgres, this should be the address or socket at which the database can be reached.
# For Sqlite, this should be the path to your sqlite database file. Eg., /opt/gotosocial/sqlite.db.
# If the file doesn't exist at the specified path, it will be created.
# If just a filename is provided (no directory) then the database will be created in the same directory
# as the GoToSocial binary.
# If address is set to :memory: then an in-memory database will be used (no file).
# WARNING: :memory: should NOT BE USED except for testing purposes.
# Examples: ["localhost","","","",":memory:", "sqlite.db"]
# Default: ""
db-address: "/alloc/gotosocial.db"
# String. SQLite journaling mode.
# SQLite only -- unused otherwise.
# If set to empty string, the sqlite default will be used.
# See:
# Examples: ["DELETE", "TRUNCATE", "PERSIST", "MEMORY", "WAL", "OFF"]
# Default: "WAL"
db-sqlite-journal-mode: "WAL"
##### WEB CONFIG #####
# Config pertaining to templating and serving of web pages/email notifications and the like
# String. Directory from which gotosocial will attempt to load html templates (.tmpl files).
# Examples: ["/some/absolute/path/", "./relative/path/", "../../some/weird/path/"]
# Default: "./web/template/"
web-template-base-dir: "/gotosocial/web/template/"
# String. Directory from which gotosocial will attempt to serve static web assets (images, scripts).
# Examples: ["/some/absolute/path/", "./relative/path/", "../../some/weird/path/"]
# Default: "./web/assets/"
web-asset-base-dir: "/gotosocial/web/assets/"
# Config pertaining to instance federation settings, pages to hide/expose, etc.
# Bool. Allow unauthenticated users to make queries to /api/v1/instance/peers?filter=open in order
# to see a list of instances that this instance 'peers' with. Even if set to 'false', then authenticated
# users (members of the instance) will still be able to query the endpoint.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
instance-expose-peers: false
# Bool. Allow unauthenticated users to make queries to /api/v1/instance/peers?filter=suspended in order
# to see a list of instances that this instance blocks/suspends. This will also allow unauthenticated
# users to see the list through the web UI. Even if set to 'false', then authenticated users (members
# of the instance) will still be able to query the endpoint.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
instance-expose-suspended: false
# Bool. This flag tweaks whether GoToSocial will deliver ActivityPub messages
# to the shared inbox of a recipient, if one is available, instead of delivering
# each message to each actor who should receive a message individually.
# Shared inbox delivery can significantly reduce network load when delivering
# to multiple recipients share an inbox (eg., on large Mastodon instances).
# See:
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: true
instance-deliver-to-shared-inboxes: true
# Bool. This flag will inject a Mastodon version into the version field that
# is included in /api/v1/instance. This version is often used by Mastodon clients
# to do API feature detection. By injecting a Mastodon compatible version, it is
# possible to cajole those clients to behave correctly with GoToSocial.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
instance-inject-mastodon-version: true
# Config pertaining to creation and maintenance of accounts on the server, as well as defaults for new accounts.
# Bool. Do we want people to be able to just submit sign up requests, or do we want invite only?
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: true
accounts-registration-open: true
# Bool. Do sign up requests require approval from an admin/moderator before an account can sign in/use the server?
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: true
accounts-approval-required: true
# Bool. Are sign up requests required to submit a reason for the request (eg., an explanation of why they want to join the instance)?
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: true
accounts-reason-required: true
# Bool. Allow accounts on this instance to set custom CSS for their profile pages and statuses.
# Enabling this setting will allow accounts to upload custom CSS via the /user settings page,
# which will then be rendered on the web view of the account's profile and statuses.
# For instances with public sign ups, it is **HIGHLY RECOMMENDED** to leave this setting on 'false',
# since setting it to true allows malicious accounts to make their profile pages misleading, unusable
# or even dangerous to visitors. In other words, you should only enable this setting if you trust
# the users on your instance not to produce harmful CSS.
# Regardless of what this value is set to, any uploaded CSS will not be federated to other instances,
# it will only be shown on profiles and statuses on *this* instance.
# Options: [true, false]
# Default: false
accounts-allow-custom-css: false
##### MEDIA CONFIG #####
# Config pertaining to media uploads (videos, image, image descriptions, emoji).
# Int. Maximum allowed image upload size in bytes.
# Examples: [2097152, 10485760]
# Default: 10485760 -- aka 10MB
media-image-max-size: 10MiB
# Int. Maximum allowed video upload size in bytes.
# Examples: [2097152, 10485760]
# Default: 41943040 -- aka 40MB
media-video-max-size: 40MiB
# Int. Minimum amount of characters required as an image or video description.
# Examples: [500, 1000, 1500]
# Default: 0 (not required)
media-description-min-chars: 0
# Int. Maximum amount of characters permitted in an image or video description.
# Examples: [500, 1000, 1500]
# Default: 500
media-description-max-chars: 1500
# Int. Number of days to cache media from remote instances before they are removed from the cache.
# A job will run every day at midnight to clean up any remote media older than the given amount of days.
# When remote media is removed from the cache, it is deleted from storage but the database entries for the media
# are kept so that it can be fetched again if requested by a user.
# If this is set to 0, then media from remote instances will be cached indefinitely.
# Examples: [30, 60, 7, 0]
# Default: 30
media-remote-cache-days: 30
# Int. Max size in bytes of emojis uploaded to this instance via the admin API.
# The default is the same as the Mastodon size limit for emojis (50kb), which allows
# for good interoperability. Raising this limit may cause issues with federation
# of your emojis to other instances, so beware.
# Examples: [51200, 102400]
# Default: 51200
media-emoji-local-max-size: 50KiB
# Int. Max size in bytes of emojis to download from other instances.
# By default this is 100kb, or twice the size of the default for media-emoji-local-max-size.
# This strikes a good balance between decent interoperability with instances that have
# higher emoji size limits, and not taking up too much space in storage.
# Examples: [51200, 102400]
# Default: 51200
media-emoji-remote-max-size: 100KiB
##### STORAGE CONFIG #####
# Config pertaining to storage of user-created uploads (videos, images, etc).
# String. Type of storage backend to use.
# Examples: ["local", "s3"]
# Default: "local" (storage on local disk)
storage-backend: "s3"
{{ with secret "cfg/svc/tree/" }}
storage-s3-endpoint: "{{ .Data.cdn.endpoint }}"
storage-s3-access-key: "{{ .Data.cdn.key }}"
storage-s3-secret-key: "{{ .Data.cdn.secret }}"
storage-s3-bucket: "{{ .Data.cdn.bucket }}"
{{- end }}
# Config pertaining to the creation of statuses/posts, and permitted limits.
# Int. Maximum amount of characters permitted for a new status.
# Note that going way higher than the default might break federation.
# Examples: [140, 500, 5000]
# Default: 5000
statuses-max-chars: 1024
# Int. Maximum amount of options to permit when creating a new poll.
# Note that going way higher than the default might break federation.
# Examples: [4, 6, 10]
# Default: 6
statuses-poll-max-options: 6
# Int. Maximum amount of characters to permit per poll option when creating a new poll.
# Note that going way higher than the default might break federation.
# Examples: [50, 100, 150]
# Default: 50
statuses-poll-option-max-chars: 50
# Int. Maximum amount of media files that can be attached to a new status.
# Note that going way higher than the default might break federation.
# Examples: [4, 6, 10]
# Default: 6
statuses-media-max-files: 6
##### SMTP CONFIG #####
{{ with secret "cfg/svc/tree/" -}}
smtp-host: "{{ }}"
smtp-port: {{ .Data.smtp.port }}
smtp-username: "{{ .Data.smtp.username }}"
smtp-password: "{{ .Data.smtp.password }}"
smtp-from: "no-reply@mail.{{ $domain }}"
{{- end }}
# Advanced settings pertaining to http timeouts, security, cookies, and more.
# Most users will not need to (and should not) touch these settings, since
# they are set to sensible defaults, and may break if they are changed.
# Nevertheless, they are provided for the sake of allowing server admins to
# tweak their instance for performance or security reasons.
# String. Value of the SameSite attribute of cookies set by GoToSocial.
# Defaults to 'lax' to ensure that the OIDC flow does not break, which is
# fine in most cases. If you want to harden your instance against CSRF attacks
# and don't mind if some login-related things might break, you can set this
# to 'strict' instead.
# For an overview of what this does, see:
# Options: ["lax", "strict"]
# Default: "lax"
advanced-cookies-samesite: "lax"
# Int. Amount of requests to permit from a single IP address within a span of 5 minutes.
# If this amount is exceeded, a 429 HTTP error code will be returned.
# See
# If you find yourself adjusting this limit because it's regularly being exceeded,
# you should first verify that your settings for `trusted-proxies` (above) are correct.
# In many cases, when the rate limit is exceeded it is because your instance sees all
# incoming requests as coming from the *same IP address* (you can verify this by looking
# at the client IPs in your instance logs). If this is the case, try adding that IP
# address to your `trusted-proxies` *BEFORE* you go adjusting this rate limit setting!
# If you set this to 0 or less, rate limiting will be disabled entirely.
# Examples: [1000, 500, 0]
# Default: 1000
advanced-rate-limit-requests: 1000